““I have always imagined that paradise will be a kind of library.” – Jorge Luis Borges”

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RT @Rainmaker1973: There are no stationary objects in the Universe: even our Solar System is moving not only around the center of the… https://t.co/F8gZyIS8CL
Midnight Run is the best road movie ever and no one can convince me otherwise. https://t.co/7ZoDDanR3n
Finished #ExtraordinaryAttorneyWoo last week. Wonderful show. The Korean Ted Lasso with a few extra dollops of roma… https://t.co/zBU7AeiAoO
Giddyup. https://t.co/HOCUNtGzrN
RT @wyntermitchell: Currently feeling real dumb for how hard I laughed at this https://t.co/xFtBYIPqAI
The older I get, the more I believe science fiction is simply a looking glass for the future.
Welcome to another day of America jumping the shark. Not the great white maneater of lore, but the broken animatron… https://t.co/Vz9KQPrWOx
If you think the #RoeOverturned decision coming down during the #Jan6Hearings is a coincidence, you haven't been paying attention.
Astonished at how mediocre Obi-Wan Kenobi was given the caliber of writers involved, but my main takeaway is that t… https://t.co/haYNrUIIH9
On the way to soccer practice, Queen’s Don’t Stop Now comes on the radio and my ten-year-old sings it perfectly wit… https://t.co/sZQkY7ETSv